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Page Updated:
Dec. 21, 2003

All content
© 1995-2003
Tom Gilmore

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

This section will grow as I add more questions - Send me your queries and I'll do my best.
Currently there are four common questions answered here.

1. Where can I get a copy of the Compus Mentus album ?!  
This is the #1 asked question by far! This album was not released in North America, and was poorly distributed elsewhere. My understanding is that it may still be available in Japan and the far East. As a result it is quite hard to find for the average CD shopper. All is not lost however.

Visit the Buy CDs page, linked on the menu on the left of this page. There you will find some of the best places (in my opinion) to pick up the band's albums, including used/rare CDs like this one!

Keep looking! You won't always find this one right away so be persistant, and check the Message Board (also linked on the left) for anyone offering it for sale or trade.

2. Where can I get the music (or tabs) for a Cutting Crew song?  
An official tab book was only published for the Broadcast album as far as I know. It is currently "out of print" by the publisher, meaning the only way to find a copy is to look for it at used book stores and online at places such as eBay. Check the Buy CDs page for links on this.

3. Who do I contact for information on recording or licensing a Cutting Crew song?  
Please send me an email and I will point you in the right direction. Click on Feedback in the left-hand menu for the address.

4. Who is the guy running this site anyways?  
Well, I'm a fan just like you. I started this site a few years back because there was no Cutting Crew information on the web - and I figured if I was looking for some news maybe someone else was too. These days it's a lot easier to find new information and of course a lot more people are online which is great for the sharing of news & stories.
I hope you enjoy the website as much as I did putting it together and thanks for visiting!

All content, layout and images are (C) Tom Gilmore unless noted, and may not be reproduced without express permission.